📢 Join the Hispanic/Latino Association of JCS this Friday, October 18, for an informative presentation! Families are invited to learn about Canvas, Rooms, attendance policies, and the JVA Program, plus information about HLA! Enjoy music, games, and refreshments. Food will also be available for a small donation. All ages are welcome!

We’ve reached the halfway mark of the first nine weeks! Please check your student’s grades on Canvas, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact their teacher. Let’s work together to finish out this term strong!

🍎🌟 JCS offers teachers professional learning for classroom excellence! We're excited to share the success of our third annual Classroom Management Workshop! Our amazing educators engaged in interactive sessions over three days to boost their teaching strategies. This focus on continuous improvement gave them new tools and techniques to create even better and more supportive classrooms. The enthusiastic participation and positive feedback demonstrate just how impactful this workshop was in fostering educational excellence!

JCS IMPORTANT REMINDER: Rising 7th & 12th Graders must show proof of immunization of TDaP and MCV4 (Meningitis) vaccine. You can find more information and upload proof of immunization at jcswv.org/vaccine

Dear DES Families,
I hope this message finds you enjoying your summer! The fall open house for Back to School Night for grades first through fifth will be August 15, 2024. Specific time information will be posted on the DES webpage for each grade level in the coming weeks. Meet the teacher/orientation for kindergarten students will be held on August 19, 2024 with further teacher specific information to follow.
Teacher assignments will be sent the week of August 12, 2024 and the recommended school supply list will be posted on the the school webpage.
Please check the webpage weekly for fall back to school news!
I look forward to seeing you all in August!
Mrs. Osborne, Principal

JCS wants your feedback! We continually seek to improve how we communicate with our families and community. Please take a moment to complete our JCS Communications Survey: https://forms.office.com/r/P1SwEePqvK

JCS End of Year Newsletter! What you need to know between now and August: https://secure.smore.com/n/smw8t

Congratulations to Katie Madrid and Cynthia Carper on being named the district's 2024 Teacher and Service Person of the Year! We were thrilled to honor these outstanding members of our educational community at our annual recognition dinner on April 25. Read more here 👉 https://www.jcswv.org/article/1569068

Kindergarten registration starts soon - visit www.jcswv.org/kindergarten for more information, including a checklist to ensure you come prepared!

🔔 Kindergarten registration begins Monday, April 22! Do you have an excited soon-to-be kindergartener? We're just as excited to partner with you as they begin their academic career! Kindergarten registration is currently open online and will begin in person on Monday, April 22. Check the schedule below for your school. Please visit www.jcswv.org/kindergarten for more information, including a checklist to ensure you come prepared!

JCS Reminder: Tomorrow, Friday, April 12th is a 2-Hour Early Dismissal for students and a Faculty Senate day for staff.

JCS Reminder: Tomorrow, Monday, April 8th is a 2-Hour Early Dismissal.

A reminder that Spring Break begins on Friday, March 29, with all Jefferson County schools and offices closed. Schools will remain closed April 1-5, while JCS offices will be open. Students will return to school on Monday, April 8. Enjoy your Spring Break!

Please review the JCS calendar reminders and changes for April: https://www.smore.com/n/qr4xnh

🎨 JCS student artists display their talent at the Jefferson Arts Council's annual Youth Art Show! 🎨 Congratulations to the talented young artists selected to participate in the 2024 Youth Art Show! JCS art teachers submit the best of students' 2D and 3D artwork for the annual event celebrating West Virginia's Youth Art Month. A public reception on March 10 honored the featured artists, and their art teachers were on hand to support their success! The Youth Art Show runs through March 31 at the Firehouse Gallery in Charles Town.

What an active and engaging day of professional learning! Elementary art teachers participated in hands-on activities today as they continue to grow as professional educators. It was just one of several district-wide training opportunities JCS was proud to offer staff on this professional learning day as they continue to perfect their skills in our schools and classrooms. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to student success!

As a reminder, there is no school for students tomorrow, Friday, March 8, 2024. This is a professional development day for staff.

Due to the forecasted inclement weather, all Jefferson County Schools extracurricular activities taking place on Saturday, February 17, 2024, are canceled. This includes extracurricular activities, athletic practices, and competitions taking place at home or away. The Regional Wrestling Tournament at Jefferson High School is rescheduled for 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 18. All other rescheduled activities will be communicated at a later date.

⏰ A reminder that all Jefferson County schools will dismiss two hours early today, Friday, February 16, for faculty senate meetings.

Jefferson County Schools joins the Wildwood Middle School community in mourning the passing of Principal Jodi R. Brock, a dedicated and valued member of the WMS staff since 2008. WMS will honor Ms. Brock's memory with a candlelight vigil on Thursday, February 15, at 6:30 p.m. in the front bus loop of the school. If you plan to attend, please enter at the WMS parent entrance and park in the side or back parking lots. If those lots become full, overflow traffic may park at Jefferson High School.